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Children's Programs

Baby Playing with Building Blocks

Cradle Roll |  This loving, multi-sensory, hands-on Bible class is for newborns through 24 months and takes place during our regularly scheduled Bible Classes on Sunday mornings
and Wednesday evenings.

Children Praying

Youth Bible Classes | Children 2 years-old through fifth grade are invited to Bible class on Sunday mornings at 9 and Wednesday evenings at 7. During class they will learn

about God, study His word, and enjoy Bible- centered games, songs, and activities.

L2L Kids 2019.jpg

Lads to Leaders | Lads to Leaders is a Church of Christ leadership training program designed for 3rd through 12th graders. Younger students may participate on smaller levels. Training and practice culminate at

an annual Lads to Leaders convention!

Colorful Balloons

Youth Events | Children are celebrated throughout the year at various youth events. Vacation Bible School (VBS), holiday parties, and our Fall Festival are some of our favorites. Plus, our church supports Central Florida Bible Camp—a great place for Christian fun for kids!



For sixth through twelfth graders, check out the Orange Avenue Youth Group!

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