What to Expect

We're a Friendly Church
Our prayer at Orange Avenue is that we will show the love of Christ to all who walk through our doors. When you come to visit, we pray you receive a warm welcome. If for some reason you feel overlooked, please give us a call and allow us the opportunity to try again. The truth is that you are welcome and wanted here!

We Worship Without Instruments
One of the first things new visitors notice is that our church doesn't worship with a band. . .or any instruments at all! At Orange Avenue we simply sing with our hearts. We worship with the simplicity of our voices and we truly enjoy doing so. We sing a variety of traditional hymns and modern worship songs that glorify God.

We Take the Lord's Supper
Each Sunday, we take the Lord's Supper, which is sometimes called communion. We pass trays of unleavened bread, which represent Christ's body, and trays of grape juice, which represent Christ's blood. (Luke 22:19–20) Each member takes a bit of the bread and one of the cups of juice, and uses the quiet moment to reflect on Jesus' life and His sacrifice. We also use this time for self examination and gratitude for our salvation. (1 Cor. 11:25–29) This communion is a beautiful memorial set up by Christ himself.

How We Dress for Worship
It is common for first-time visitors to want to know how to dress when they visit our church family. The truth is that we welcome you in whatever clothes you have. Most of our members dress nicely for Sunday worship—dresses, suits, or nice outfits. Some of our members dress more casually in jeans. On Wednesday nights, most members dress casually. As is fitting for Christ-followers, all of our members try to dress modestly and honor God with their clothing style and designs.
You Can Come As You Are
One of the most devastating lies you can believe is that you need to get cleaned up, straightened up, or put together in order to come to God or church. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, the Bible teaches that God sent Jesus to die for us while we were still sinners. (Roman 5:8) To go even further, God tells us that we are not even capable of "pulling ourselves together" without His help! (Romans 8:6–7) So please, don't hold back. Simply come as you are. God loves you!